Climate Change: A Matter of Scientific Literacy or Political Ideology?

By Pumudu K.

There’s often more than one side to any argument. However, when it comes to issues regarding science, there’s a way of breaking down different arguments and being able to come to a conclusion. This is especially true with regards to climate change, as regardless of where we live in the world, the changing climate affects us all.

Following a very recent announcement that Syria had agreed to join the Paris Climate Accords, the United States is now the ONLY sovereign nation that would not be part of this ground-breaking agreement. This was despite the U.S. government just releasing a new report which details comprehensively the ways in which humanity is responsible for the changing climate. All of this begs the question: Why is there such a dissonance between understanding climate change in the United States?

In her analysis, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech University discusses the primary issue behind this scenario; politics. She argues that the issue is not so much the science behind climate change, but rather the perceptions of it as something that is beyond our hands, and beyond solutions. She further goes on the discuss steps that can be taken to do this, which means recognizing the effects of climate change where we are, and that there are solutions to combat these changes as well.

To read more on Dr. Hayhoe’s article, click here;

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