A Climate of Changing Infrastructure

A Climate of Changing Infrastructure

With the increasing effects of climate change becoming apparent, the status of existing and upcoming projects becomes a matter of life and death. Thankfully, Canada is taking “concrete” steps in laying the “foundation” for climate resilient infrastructure!

Thinking of Buying A New Smartphone? Don't.

Thinking of Buying A New Smartphone? Don't.

Smartphones may not be that smart or sustainable after all. With emissions numbers enough to make you roll your eyes right out of the back of your head, OEMs are becoming notorious for unsustainable practices. Fortunately, we have a trick or two up our sleeves to help combat this problem.

Climate Change: A Matter of Scientific Literacy or Political Ideology?

Climate Change: A Matter of Scientific Literacy or Political Ideology?

Climate change doesn't have two sides. Then why do some still think it does? "As if there were “two sides” to gravity, and whether we fall or float when we step off the cliff somehow depends on our perspective, our opinion, and our politics rather than on the facts." - states Dr Hayhoe, a climate scientist, on why the issue of politics is the biggest barrier to overcome in this fight.

You Are What You Eat: Changing Our Daily Interaction With Food

You Are What You Eat: Changing Our Daily Interaction With Food

We buy, cook, and consume food every single day. It sustains us and is a critical component of our daily lives. But rarely do we take the time to think of improving this relationship, which is a must during these changing times and tides. In this first of a three-part blog, let's rediscover and reinvent our reliance on our basic necessity! 

Hurricanes, Storms and Wildfires: 2017's Climate Saga

Hurricanes, Storms and Wildfires: 2017's Climate Saga

Every catastrophic storm, flood and fire in 2017 has been significantly worse than ever before, and left thousands of people devastated as a result. And in every case our changing climate has directly contributed to the level of destruction, leaving us to bare a great deal of the responsibility. Read about how 2017 beat new records, here at home and the rest of North America.

Would You Like Some Reality with that Popcorn?

Would You Like Some Reality with that Popcorn?

Hollywood is turning the heat up with its latest gamut of sci-fi movies. Graeme Virtue of The Guardian discusses how changing times have meant more movies are incorporating the reality of climate change to their narrative, and how scientists are becoming the heroes and heroines we deserve, and the ones we need right now!

Clean Energy: News to (CO2)OL Down the Planet

Clean Energy:  News to (CO2)OL Down the Planet

Did you know that your favourite toilet paper is now being given a second life? Or, how about the fact that a clever Swiss company is using the carbon in the atmosphere to fuel lettuce growth? Green scientists and engineers all over the world are coming up with ingenious ways to beat the growing heat!

How to Live Green on a Budget

How to Live Green on a Budget

Want to know how live a green lifestyle in your home without having to spend hundreds of dollars? As part 2 of our series on how to be green on a budget, WOC shows you easy ways you can help the planet from your Windsor home.